

Disease Management and Agronomy

Agronomy is changing, we believe for the better, with its acknowledgement and practice of more natural and sustainable methods for maintaining the health of valuable greens.  Observing both the environmental and financial costs of more traditional methods; our work supports greenkeepers to establish and embed consistent and cost-effective practices, taking biodiversity and sustainability into fundamental [...]

International Recognition

Earlier this year The European Turfgrass Specialists were invited to deliver seminars at an education seminar in Moscow. This seminar was called International Turf Education Days, which was organised by Hoefinger Solutions. As a major partner to Hoefinger Solutions, we are very proud to have supported in this highly successful event. As a consequence of [...]

Local Environmental Entrepreneur Meets HRH and Tells Him ‘a Thing or Two About Soil.’

On 22nd June, at the London celebrations of the Soil Association's 70th birthday held at the Royal Horticultural Halls, two important guests were in attendance; the association's patron (HRH Prince Charles) and Hampshire's own environmental entrepreneur (Simon Parfey of Soil Bio Lab). The Soil Association was founded in 1946 by farmers, scientists, doctors and nutritionists [...]


Disease Management and Agronomy

Agronomy is changing, we believe for the better, with its acknowledgement and practice of more natural and sustainable methods for maintaining the health of valuable greens.  Observing both the environmental and financial costs of more traditional methods; our work supports greenkeepers to establish and embed consistent and cost-effective practices, taking biodiversity and sustainability into fundamental [...]

International Recognition

Earlier this year The European Turfgrass Specialists were invited to deliver seminars at an education seminar in Moscow. This seminar was called International Turf Education Days, which was organised by Hoefinger Solutions. As a major partner to Hoefinger Solutions, we are very proud to have supported in this highly successful event. As a consequence of [...]

Local Environmental Entrepreneur Meets HRH and Tells Him ‘a Thing or Two About Soil.’

On 22nd June, at the London celebrations of the Soil Association's 70th birthday held at the Royal Horticultural Halls, two important guests were in attendance; the association's patron (HRH Prince Charles) and Hampshire's own environmental entrepreneur (Simon Parfey of Soil Bio Lab). The Soil Association was founded in 1946 by farmers, scientists, doctors and nutritionists [...]

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