European Turfgrass was established in 2010 by Company Director, Philip Armitage. Philip has over 30 years’ experience within the industry and has worked with many golf, football, and sports clubs across Europe.
European Turfgrass Specialists have had the pleasure of working with top golf courses ranked No.1 and 2 in Germany, top Bundesliga Football Clubs and League 1 Football Clubs
Philip Armitage is a qualified agronomist and is the elected Administrator of the Register of Independent Professional Turfgrass Agronomists (RIPTA).
European Turfgrass Specialists was setup up to support greenkeepers, grounds staff, contractors, architects, and facility managers with turfgrass agronomy. This means we provide independent services and guidance that help in producing better turfgrass.
Our agronomy services offer professional independent advice that is designed to achieve positive outcomes for the environment whilst keeping playing surfaces fit for purpose. Not only does agronomy encourage greater biodiversity and sustain wildlife, but well managed soil also prevents compaction, recycles nutrients better, and leads to better turf quality for members that provides consistent, reliable, and quality playing surfaces.
We will help you to reduce your construction and maintenance costs whilst simultaneously enhancing your playing standards.
‘I am a massive Spurs fan so watching them with my kids is bliss, even this year! Hobbies wise, I am a single figure handicap golfer but currently, my hobby is badminton, I seem to be on a mission to prove I am not getting old. My local team reached a higher-level league last year thanks to Covid cutting short the league, and I am still loving the sport even though I maybe can’t keep up so well with the younger players nowadays.
I also enjoy preparing our multi-function lawn, which ranges from croquet to football depending on the weather and tinkering with new techniques of course. Last but not least, it must be hanging out with the family, corny I know, but I love my two little chip monks dearly and its certainly not boring watching them grow up in Germany!’
Founder of European Turfgrass Specialists, Philip has worked with many fantastic golf clubs, football clubs and sports clubs throughout Europe. He has dedicated years to building his knowledge, skills, and experience. Having previously worked as a greenkeeper, he understands the sector, its demands, and the direction it is progressing in.
Philip brings his passion and excitement for agronomy to each club he works with. But more than that, he brings his forward thinking and understanding of the task at hand. His unique way of working as an independent turfgrass agronomist has allowed him to shape Euroturfgrass into a service that promotes quality, learning, education, and independence for its clients.
Having experienced the job first hand, Philip understands the dedication and work that is required from greenkeepers. It’s this that has led him to use his expertise to enable others to achieve their goals.
‘The truest of greenkeepers in my opinion, are stewards of the land.’
With increasing pressure on greenkeepers caused by dwindling budgets, high expectations for play, and the increasing environmental need to incorporate more sustainable methods, Philip supports his clients to establish robust, long-term strategies that procure top class playing surfaces, whilst addressing these issues.
‘With massive shifts in nature, speedy evolution and massive globalisation issues, changes are afoot, and we need to know much more about a wider range of topics than we ever did before. This I guess is where I come in, with my knowledge and approach.’
As Director of SoilBioLab, established in 2014, Philip has ensured an environmental approach is embedded in Euroturfgrass services, which is now leading the soil biology area in Europe.
‘I believe this sustainable way of maintaining sites in harmony with the environment is one of our strengths.’
“The Register of Independent Professional Turfgrass Agronomists was founded in 2002 to help potential clients choose the best turfgrass agronomist for their needs.
The rules for membership of RIPTA are strict and those allowed on to the Register are professional agronomists fulfilling criteria of independence, experience and academic excellence.”
RIPTA – http://www.ripta.co.uk/
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